Peace Like A River

            Two weekends ago we were apart of an event, UD day of service.  We had a table on campus and got to share with people all about the girls and what we do.  Our organization was coming to life as students who walked by helped us make paper flowers and stationary to sell.  Ms. Em even made a special appearance and talked to students.  We had a whole lot of fun. 



this is the infamous, prestigious, beautiful, one of my roommates, the one and only KIMBERLY.



and this is my other roommate Leigh, she really didn’t want me to take her picture.  Props to Leigh for handling my disorganized side of the room and being so supportive!!




We had a lot of people help, needless to say I spent my whole weekend with friends putting together these wonderful flowers to sell!Image

            While at college I attend a church called The Barn.  It is an incredible place to be involved in as they are passionate about serving others.  On Sunday we asked to sell things after church next week, and guess what, they said yes!  I looked over to my two friends Becca and Bekah in awe as to how God so willingly provides!

            The message was all about how gracious God is.  How we are a gift from God, how God gave us the gift of his son and how he is continuously giving us gifts.  Once the message ended they started worship playing worship songs as people were praying.  I sat down on my chair, put my head down and just started praying.  Thanking God for all the gifts he has so graciously provided the girls and all the opportunities he has perfectly orchestrated for our ministry.  I sat as a servant in the presence of an awesome God and just started to sob.  I prayed that God would take hold of our ministry and that His vision, not mine, would be accomplished.  I told Him how I was fearful that I would not be able to succeed in everything he has made available.  I prayed that he would give me the strength to trust in Him and to rid thoughts of failure.  Then I had two hands touch my back, one of them belonging to one of my best friends at college and the other woman at church, she asked to pray.  Now this woman knows nothing about me except for the fact that I asked her to pray for fear.  She prayed that I would not be fearful of asking for help, that I would be confident and trusting in what God has planned.  That I would give everything to Him and humbly allow Him to use me as a servant.  Talk about experiencing a God moment.  The peace of God completely over took my thoughts and heart.

            After lifting my head and disposing of the immense amounts of tears and boogers all over my face, my roommate and I walked over to my car.  We sat down and she said, “You aren’t doing everything alone, you know that right?  Give me some papers, teach me hold to glue the flowers and we will get everything ready to go.” Needless to say my friends spent the rest of Sunday teaching me how to be organized, considering I tend to be a mess a majority of the time.

            This week, God answered my prayers.  He comforted my heart and let me know he has got this whole thing under control.  Sometimes God gives us opportunities and we so easily try to control them.  We get anxious, nervous, stressed out and forget that if we give it all to God, He never fails.  Praise God for never giving up on us, friends, organizational bins, the power of prayer and peace.

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